Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED)
Through the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) program, the Canadian government provides generous incentives each year in the form of tax credits and tax refunds to Canadian businesses that undertake qualifying research and development activities in Canada. If you have a SR&ED claim for either current and/or past expenses, Williams & Partners can help you maximize that claim, while helping to ensure compliance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines.
The SR&ED rules can be quite complex. Understanding this, our advisors can assist you in determining eligible projects, preparing project descriptions, determining qualifying expenditures and preparing all relevant forms and tax schedules. We can also assist you in dealing with CRA SR&ED financial and technical reviews.

Meet Our Experts
An expert in SR&ED, Enzo Morini is the lead engagement partner and compliance advisor that ensures your claim meets CRA guidelines.
Are you missing out? The federal government provides over $3 billion to R&D claimants each year and most provincial governments, including Ontario’s, also provide incentives for R&D. Approximately three-quarters of all SR&ED claimants are small to medium size businesses. To learn more about the SR&ED program, contact Enzo Morini, our SR&ED Expert.